Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Leadership training was conducted for a youth group related to the citizen forum in Ampara district at the coop city center in Addalachchenei on 28th of August 2012. The citizen forum has a separated youth group which engages with programs related to the CF. There were more than 15 young participants as well as two volunteers and one elder female. Everyone is young boys except volunteers. Most of them were finished school educating but there were few participants who are yet going to school. Everyone is in better education level according to their intervention to the training program. They engaged to the training with feeling.

Trainers used some creative strategies to aware the young people on leadership qualities as well. They mainly paid attention for practical tools than theory sessions in the training program. So, young people got reasonable understanding about leadership qualities through practical activities.

The leadership training basically focused on the main three categories such as Attitude, skill and Knowledge. Participants’ expectations were taken out using plash cards. All of them related to the above parts.

Special part was the drama session. Participants were educated for organizing community and communicate ideas by using drama among societies. Young participants practiced that session creating short drams on taken understanding.

In conclusion, the leadership training was success according to the young feed backs. They had an excellent opportunity to get understanding about leadership qualities being in pleasure movement.

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